
Soumya Ranjan Mohanty

About me

  • Skills
    • Languages: Javascript, HTML/CSS, C, C++

    • Frameworks: NodeJS, React JS, Electron, Jquery, Jekyll

    • Databae: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL

    • Tools: git, TravisCI

  • Volunteer Experience
    • I read open source articles and write on codeburst and my blog.

    • I also try to contribute to open source as much as possible. (e.g. Hasura, etc.)

    • I also try my best to answer or improve answers to the questions asked on StackOverflow and other forums.

    • I am a core member and developer of the Programming Society of IIIT-Bh. Together we try to guide the first years in getting started with software development.

  • Work Experience
    • Recipient of Google India-Udacity Scholarship 2018: I received the Google India-Udacity Scholarship 2018 under Mobile Development Specialist role. I was also a moderator of Blood Donation App under development.

    • Working under P-society: I develop web and other applications for programming society of IIIT-BBSR. [May 2018 - Present]

    • Product Development Intern at Hasura: I developed a web site using Node.Js and React.JS with Hasura APIs. Also, came to know about Kubernetes, Ingress and other technologies. [Dec 2017 - Feb 2018]

    • Technical writer at Codeburst: I write technical articles on Codeburst.io , mainly focussed on web development, security etc. Codeburst is an online publication that showcases web development articles and tutorials from writers all over the world. [Dec 2017 - Present]

  • Speciality
    • Developing Responsive Full Stack Web Applications

    • Developing cross-platform applications

    • Open Source

    • Techincal writeups

Personal Projects

E-Bloodbank: E-bloodbank is a convenient way to connect blood donors to blood recipients. It is an application which lists blood donors and recipients and connect them according to blood groups. Blood acceptors can find appropriate blood donors along with their contact information and geolocation. Source Code - Github

E-election: E-election app allows users to conduct an election for a given post. For each post, users would be able to nominate themselves as candidates and the users should be able to vote for one of them. Source Code - Github

Facebook Real-Time Weather Bot: This is a Weather bot on facebook messenger using Node.JS, which when given a city/place name replies back with the current weather condition and temperatures in °C and °F. Source Code - Github

Facebook Game of Thrones Bot: This is a fun bot built on Node.JS for all the Game of Thrones fans out there. It will show info on characters, houses and can also display a random GOT quote, when asked. Source Code - Github

Twitter Retweet/Follow/Like Bot: A twitter bot built on Node.JS . It favorites, retweets recent tweets about a particular keyword(s) and also follows the user who tweets about them. Source Code - Github

Twitter UI Clone: This is a clone of the twitter website UI. It is created using React.JS and material-ui. The timeline page and the search page is cloned. Source Code - Github

Attendance Manager: Attendance Manager is built using Node JS in server side, Postgres as database, and HTML CSS Bootstrap in front-end. It records the attendance in each subject. It displays the percentage of classes in which the user is present day-wise and subject-wise.

Linux From Scratch: Completed the Linux From Scratch project in 3 weeks time. Understood Linux system fundamentals and built a Linux operating system from scratch upward. LFS version used was 8.0. LFS ID : 26894